
Insights are a medium through which our lawyers share information that is relevant to your business.

Debt Collection in Malta

The economic fallout of the recent pandemic has brought about a surge in debt collection claims. The sudden pressure on income for certain businesses necessitates the frugal management of cash flow, to the extent that directors may find themselves in the unenviable position of having to prioritise payments to certain...

Crowdfunding on the Blockchain

Crowdfunding may easily represent the most accessible way for SMEs to raise financing. Blockchain is a highly effective and arguably revolutionary technology. Together, crowdfunding and blockchain, are an effective medium between the person launching an idea and those people who intend to participate in that idea.     A crowdfunding structure is...

Terminating a pregnant employee during her probation period

The plaintiff had filed an application claiming that her former employer, Union Print Company Limited, terminated her contract of employment immediately after informing them that she was pregnant. The company dismissed her allegations and claimed that her termination was strictly connected with her work performance. The company essentially argued that...

Future of Security Token Offerings in Malta

Defining STOs In the Consultation Document, the Authority proposed a categorization of different types of STOs, being: TRADITIONAL STOs: Traditional transferable securities such as shares; bonds (including callable bonds); convertible debt securities; derivatives, asset-backed securities; the storage and/or transaction execution of which is intrinsically dependent on, or utilizes Distributed Ledger...

Using a Maltese “Earlier Right” to Oppose an EUTM Application

The EU Trademark Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1001) (the “EUTMR”) allows proprietors of “non-registered trademarks or of another sign used in the course of trade” to oppose an EU trademark (“EUTM”) application, where “that sign confers on its proprietor the right to prohibit the use of a subsequent trademark”. [1] An...

Employee Share Options in Malta

Employee share options are often used to align the interests of employees with those of the company by tying part of the remuneration package with performance, as reflected in the share price.  In the world of finance, an option is referred to as a derivative contract, the value of which...

Salient features of the New Copyright Directive - Part 2

Beyond the hype, the controversy, talk of meme bans and impending doom for the internet, what will the new law really change? This article is a continuation of an earlier article which delved into the notorious article 13, now article 17.   Part 2 –  Beyond Article 13 (now Article 17)...

Muscat Mizzi receives 'in principle' approval to act as VFA Agent

Muscat Mizzi Advocates is pleased to announce that its virtual financial assets arm, MMC Consultancy Limited, is in receipt of an ‘in principle’ approval from the Malta Financial Services Authority to be registered as a Virtual Financial Assets Agent. We are thrilled to be amongst the first applicants to receive...

Salient features of the new Copyright Directive - Part 1

The EU’s current legislative framework governing copyright and related rights dates all the way back to 2001 - to a pre-historic digital landscape incredibly different to the present day. This was a time which pre-dated the emergence of the content consumption modes currently in vogue. Back in 2001 Spotify, Youtube,...

Blockchain and Crypto: Looking beyond the hype

The dialogue on the subject of blockchain has evolved since bitcoin achieved mainstream notoriety a few years ago.  At the time, markets were told that bitcoin was not blockchain and that the two terms were not to be confused with one another.  The prevailing impression was that there was something...

Should robots be granted citizenship?

As robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) become more prevalent in the world economy and modern society, timely legislative efforts could help smoothen the proliferation of this technology and prevent undesired consequences.  From relatively humble beginnings limited to mere remote-controlled automation, AI has developed immensely over the past decades and the...

Muscat Mizzi Advocates to attend Blockchain Live 2018 in London

Muscat Mizzi Advocates will be attending the Blockchain Live! Conference on the 26th September 2018 at the Olympia, London. The conference represents an important gathering for participants of the blockchain industry and provides a good insight on the latest trends in the blockchain space.  We will be meeting a number...

Blockchain and the future of IP

Ten years from its genesis, blockchain is being touted as the greatest technological innovation since the emergence of the worldwide web back in 1991. 2017 was truly the year that blockchain made it to the mainstream, thanks to the meteoric price-hike of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are built...

Summary of the 3 main acts related to blockchain technology

Malta has established itself as the ‘first mover’ in the regulation of businesses utilizing distributed ledger technology (DLT), upon which blockchain is based.  Recognizing the potential behind blockchain, Maltese lawmakers sought to develop a regulatory environment that addresses the risks arising from sinister uses of the technology while, at the...

CJEU announces anonymisation of cases involving natural persons

In a recent press release and following the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has announced that as from the 1st of July 2018, all publications concerning preliminary rulings will be completely devoid of any personal data,...

A Comprehensive Analysis of the CJEU's Louboutin Ruling

French footwear designer, Christian Louboutin, initiated trade mark infringement proceedings against Dutch footwear retailer, Van Haren, after the latter’s decision to emulate the former’s signature red-soled high-heeled shoes, in a long-running legal battle which eventually ended up before the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union...



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