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An appraisal of the MFSA’s proposed ‘Financial Instrument Test’

Pursuant to the ‘Discussion Paper on Initial Coin Offerings, Virtual Currencies and Related Service Providers’, the MFSA has released a consultation document in respect of the ‘financial instrument test’ (the “Test”). The purpose of the Test is to determine the applicable regulatory framework for initial coin offerings, as well as...

Are employers restricted when applying penalties on employees for termination?

When seeking employment, employees are normally presented with a contract that includes terms and conditions governing the termination of their employment relationship. In Malta, employment law is regulated by the Employment and Industrial Relations Act (the “Act”), which distinguishes between indefinite and definite contracts.  While definite contracts establish a specific...

Everything you need to know about the GDPR

The entry into force of the EU’s new legal framework is expected to transform the data protection landscape across the EU and beyond. This comes at a critical time for consumers, as recent revelations into the Cambridge Analytica debacle have unveiled the vast potential for abuse connected to vast mines...

Extending Trademark Protection Overseas

One of the by-products of an increasingly-globalised world is the rapid increase in cross-border trade. A phenomenon which was hitherto limited to a handful of multinationals, has become standard practice today for a multitude of businesses, including SMEs.  One consideration which could be significantly more taxing on smaller businesses when...

European Commission launches GDPR portal

The General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR") will enter into force on the 25th of May of this year, effectively replacing the Data Protection Directive (the "DPD"), which has been in force since 1995. In the past 23 years, the occurrence of significant technological advances, particularly in the online sphere,...

Guidelines issued on procurement of consent under GDPR

As businesses set out to implement operational changes to phase into the new regulatory environment brought about by the GDPR, many are those who are still struggling to understand the parameters in which data controllers are expected to obtain consent from data subjects as a basis for lawful processing.  The...

The Right to be Forgotten - Part Two

In May 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that search engines, such as Google, assumed the function of a controller and set out the right of data subjects to request the erasure of personal data that is ‘inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant’.  Search Engine...

Muscat Mizzi Advocates to attend Web Summit 2017 in Lisbon

Muscat Mizzi Advocates will be attending the Web Summit 2017 between the 6th – 9th November 2017 at the Altice Arena, Lisbon. The summit is the world’s largest gathering for online businesses and aspiring startups. It provides a unique insight on the latest technological trends and adaptations, with artificial intelligence,...

2018 Budget Highlights

Malta has experienced continued economic growth, going from strength to strength; with real GDP rising from 5.5% in 2016 to 6.3% in June 2017. Additionally, employment figures remain positive, with a 3.1% increase in female participation in the workforce, unemployment reduced to a record low of just 4.1%, and the...

Use and sale of TV multimedia boxes held to be illegal

In a recent ruling, Stichtung Brein v Jack Frederik Wullems (known as Filmspeler), the Courts of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held that the temporary reproduction of copyright-protected content on TV multimedia boxes, is considered as an infringement of the right-holders’ rights, particularly the right of communication to the...

The right to be forgotten – Part One

Negative search engine results can have undesired consequences such as loss of business or employment opportunities. This can be disproportionately unfair if the information is false, misleading or outdated. This principle was confirmed in an important ruling on the subject delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Union...

Does Maltese employment law accommodate businesses like Uber?

In a recent landmark ruling, a tribunal in London has ruled that self-employed contractors engaged by Uber are in effect to be treated as “workers”. This decision, which is subject to an appeal by Uber, carries with it implications that should be considered by all tech companies that connect independent...

Copyright aspects of hyperlinking

A hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference to data found elsewhere on the internet. It is the most common tool used to share information online and is oftentimes considered to be a sine qua non to the smooth functioning of the internet as an avenue for freedom of...

Malta ranked at the top of the EU Scoreboard

The European Commission has once again ranked Malta among the top 5 European Union Member States, according to the latest Competitiveness scoreboard published on Thursday 29th September 2016.In particular, Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Ezbieta Bienkowska noted how Malta ranked with the top 5 Member States...

The Apple ruling and its relevance to the Maltese tax regime

In a recent State aid ruling delivered by the European Commission’s competition department, Apple Inc., a multinational consumer electronics company, was ordered to pay €13 billion (plus interest) to the Irish Government in the form of retroactive tax payments. Commenting on the Commission’s ruling, Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager argued that:...

How’s that for ROI…

In July 2016, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (“UFC”) was sold for a price tag of $4 billion, making it the most expensive transaction in history for a sports organization. To give some perspective to the magnitude of the sale, Manchester United Football Club, one of the most popular football clubs...

New OECD measures: an opportunity for Malta?

Following recent media scandals, the OECD has intensified its recent work to lay down new international standards to tackle tax evasion and tax avoidance amongst others. The OECD has estimated that €90 to €210 billion Euros are being lost every year through tax avoidance. There are currently 15 base erosion...



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